Personal loans can be a lifesaver to us. We can borrow money anytime. If you have lost your job recently or if your financial graph is getting downward or else if you want to bear for your family or your studies or any medical issues then you must go for a personal loan and solve your problem in just a few steps and 24-hour money lenders are always here for your service.
Now you may ask: Is borrowing from 24-hour licensed money lenders in Singapore safe?
And the answer is yes, it’s totally safe because after some research work, we got evidence that 24-hour money lenders are one of the most trusted organizations in Singapore. You don’t have to worry about them, they have been serving for so many years. If you are in a position where money is the most important thing then the money lenders come to you as a life saver. Don’t ever hesitate to take a personal loan from them, maybe you have to pay high interest in the future but don’t think about it at that time. You will get the lone from a safe and trusted company, so apply for it without any hesitation.
What criteria are there for applying for a personal loan?
- You have to be a Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident.
- Foreigners with an existing cash line or else credit card account holder.
- The applicant’s age should be between 21-75
- Your minimum annual income should be S$20,000
- The applicant must have previous 1-2 years of work experience.
- Applicants’ identity card of Singapore or Employment Pass + Passport for nationals.
- Reports including your residential address to show proof of residence such as utility bills with your name and address.
How can you calculate your loan eligibility?
You can easily calculate your loan eligibility by following some easy steps, just suppose If you take a personal loan for a maximum of 5 years, then your loan amount will be 366.56 SGD ×12×5 = 21993.30 SGD.The multiplier is 20 to the loan amount, if the loan amount is 916.39 SGD ×20 = 18327.75 SGD. Therefore, the amount you will get on a 733.11 SGD salary is 18327.75 SGD. This is the easiest way to calculate your loan eligibility.
Why a personal loan?
- If you are eligible for a personal loan or your loan has been approved then the amount you borrow will directly credit to your account and you don’t have to go through any hazard.
- You can set a loan repayment deadline as per your preference.
- You can keep a check on your loan approval or status of your loan.
- The loan interest remains constantly the same till you refund their money.
- You don’t have to submit any security money for your loan.
- Money lenders will notify you about every single detail.
- Your personal information will be safe.
Facilities you will get from the money lenders are
- They offer you short-term loans.
- They provide you loans on their security.
- They will keep in connection with you.
How to identify whether the lenders are fake or original?
- Do a thorough check of their contact details. The contact number of the lender, email id, and address must be available on the website.
- Investigate online reviews.
- Look at the Better Business Bureau.
- Make sure it’s registered.
Is money leading in Singapore safe?
Yes, you can fulfill your needs by lending money in Singapore, and Singapore is one of the finest countries to start your business today. There are so many businessmen who went from another country and started doing business in Singapore, so you can also do it. There is a very good market place in Singapore, you can do any type of business there. The most important thing for starting a business is a huge amount of money. What you have to do is just search for a trusted and good moneylender. So, what are you waiting for? Just apply for your loan click on and Crawford will help you to get approved in just 8 minutes.